Something for the crocheters! I know y'all were feeling neglected, with countless knitters telling you that you make nothing but doilies and olive and burnt orange granny square afghans (btw, I admit to loving those colors).
This is how the story goes. I made this a couple months ago, and I found out about the Jimmy Beans Wool pattern contest the day before the deadline. I was just finishing this one up, so decided to submit it. It got slammed by a baby sweater, but they said they liked it and asked if it could be included in next month's contest, which I agreed to, where it got slammed again by yet another baby sweater. That's cool, it's not the most original thing in the world. So I'm releasing it to you all, for those of you who want something for yourselves or who have no babies (like me).
Crocheted in one piece from the top down in standard raglan fashion. Except that it doesn't seem so standard for crochet, which makes no sense because it's actually even easier to try on a top-down raglan in crochet because you don't have to take anything off the needles. Also in my current favorite crochet stitch. I don't particularly like the look of regular single or double crochet over and over again, but I like the look of this stitch which is a simple 2-stitch repeat and sub it in wherever I can. Don't worry that it's in fingering weight yarn. You don't have to get it too far past your boobs and, after all, it's crochet so it goes pretty fast. And check out those cute little puff sleeves. Huh, huh?
Okay, enough blab. With no further ado, the item (thanks to my boss for the name suggestion, which everyone preferred to his earlier suggestion of "Green Semi-Multi-Vest". yeah.) Um, it was done back in Spring, so the name made a lot of sense then. Patten is a pdf attachment, but you are forced to scroll through all of my trite pictures before you can access it. Mwahahaha!
Shrug Springs Eternal

Okay, and now the goods: Shrug Springs Eternal
I love your shrug. Way to represent for the crocheters out there. Hookin aint easy.
the shrug is gorgeous. I would love to have this in my closet.
Okay, that may have to be the most ridiculously cute thing I've ever seen. Great color, too. Screw the baby sweater.
Those people don't know what the heck they're talking about! You should have been the winner hands down.
Thanks for the pattern. I'm definitely going to give it a try.
Beautiful shrug! I bet you could put *this same* sweater on a baby, submit it, and win. These contests are rigged.
But I'm glad you've shared it here, screw them. =)
That is one of the cutest shrugs I have ever seen. I love the puffed sleeves. I'm not even that into shrugs, but I think this just hit my to do list.
Your shrug is lovely!
The shrug is pretty. Congrats.
This is really cute. Thanks for the pattern!
Nikki, this is beautiful!! You are a very talented designer. The color gorgeous. I love the fact that you use 4 ply.
First of all, what a cute shrug. The color is fabulous.
I'll let your boss have his one bad name since he came up with this one and it's great.
Thanks for the comment on my blog and yes, Gracie's has a garter stitch yoke and the one on Etsy has a stockinette yoke. Your eyes do not deceive ya.
Have a good one. :)
That is so cute!
That is soooo cute. Makes me wish I knew how to crochet.
Thanks for your nice comments on my Wicked -- regarding the fit problems: I reknit a bunch of the sweater twice (probably should have ripped out a few more rows in retrospect), and the neckline relaxed a lot after washing/blocking the sweater, so it was just different than I was expecting... but don't worry, I like it a lot!
That is an adorable shrug, love the name and you wear it so well.
this looks beautiful on you. i am so mad about that colour and it suits you so well. lovely work.
Very, very cute!!!!!
The colour looks good on you. It would not on me! ;) I love the picture with the tulips. Looks like right out of a fashion catalogue! :)))
This shrug is sooo adorable! That is just my style. I will definitely put this in my furture projects!!! How long have you been writing patterns? It looks like you've done a great job!! Oh! I found you on Stacey's blog!
Oooo, that looks very cute! Makes me want to crochet again.
I'm not even much of a shrug person, but that shrug is crazy adorable. Darnit, I'm gonna have to find a crochet hook now...
That shrug is awesome. It looks great on you! It mkaes me want to pick up a crochet hook and make one for myself!
Very pretty and springy. i love the scenerary as well. Great knitQQ
Happy Birthday! Cute shrug.
I got your comment about the back of Askew. I won't forget...just haven't had a chance to take a picture of the back yet. I'll update the post about your request to see the back as a tank when I have the picture.
Hi Nikki! I don't crochet, but that is adorable. :)
that is very sweet! Nice work!
babies, shmabies.
on rejection - the chicken soup editor/author guys, who are now so rich it hurts to think about it, were rejected by like 29 publishers before they finally found someone to put their stuff in a binding.
just sayin.
That is adorable - I love it!! I want to learn to crochet just so I can make it.
Congrats and pats on the back for a great pattern, and thanks for sharing it here!
I'm not a crochet-er, but this is adorable! I love it!
this is the cutest, most flattering shrug I have seen!!! I can't wait to start on it!
As with everyone else, great design for the crocheters! I'm having trouble opening the PDF of the pattern; says there's an error. Is this pattern posted anywhere else?
leslie, if you send me an email with your address, i can send it to you in either pdf or doc format.
Ola amiga
boa tarde
vim te conhecer atraves de um outro blog
amei esse casakinho seu
é de trico ? ta lindo parabens
espero ke entenda meu vocabulario
um abraçao pra ti
What a beautiful little sweater, I wish I had found this earlier. It says the pattern is no longer available. Darn it!
I absolutely LOVE this sweater! I found it on Ravelry, which is how I found your blog. Can I get the pattern by any chance?? My email address is a.mcdaniel@Yahoo.com. You're amazing!
can u re upload the pattern i cant find it
I found your shrug project on ravelry.
Is it possible for you to send me a copy of the pattern?
I love your pattern! I am finding it difficult to find cute shrug patterns.
Please email me as soon as possible at: bougainvilleablooms@gmail.com
I love this shrug and want to give it a try, but I cannot get the PDF... can you please mail me the pattern ?
Your shrug pattern is adorable! I tried to open the PDF on your blog, but couldn't access it. Are you willing to email it? I would love to make one! Thanks for any help you may offer!
I guess I found an old post, but would love to have this pattern...is it still available? please email me and let me know... I would be glad to pay you for it. snowsmoon2@gmail.com
I, too, would LOVE to have your pattern!! I need a black shrug for an upcoming concert, and I would love to make this one. Prettiest I've found on the WWW. jd.hsmedford at gmail dot com
Hello there,
Thanks for sharing this link - but unfortunately it seems to be down? Does anybody here at knitensity.blogspot.com have a mirror or another source?
The pattern is now on Ravelry
Thanks for sharing this link - but unfortunately it seems to be not working? Does anybody here at knitensity.blogspot.com have a mirror or another source?
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