Thursday, May 31, 2007

It's my birthday!

It's my birthday! I'm 29 today. I started out the day happy, but have gotten sadder and sadder as the day has gone on. Please wish me happy feelings!


Anonymous said...

29 is a great birthday! You'll celebrate it over and over again in the years to come, trust me!
Have a Super Happy Birthday!
Sorry about the pain the sweater in your previous post caused you, it looks great on you!

Patrice said...

Happy, happy birthday, Nikki!! Thanks so much for the comments re: the skirt I crocheted for my daughter. Lots of good info there.

29, huh? I don't know if you're into astrology, but 29 marks your first "Saturn Return." Go to - - to find out more about it. Or google "saturn return."

carlita dee said...

Happy Birthday to You!

Sometimes I think birthdays are hard because they're filled with so much expectation.

Here's to wishing you all the happiness and good feelings you started out with today -- for the rest of the year!

To echo Patrice about the Saturn thing, I once read a book called Saturn's Return to New York. Check it out, maybe you can relate to it.

Kris said...

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy to Nikki, happy birthday to youuuuuuu;)

Catherine said...

Happy Birthday!!! Don't worry...29 is going to be an awesome year for you. I just know it.

Virtuous said...

Happy Birthday!
Happy Feelings!

Kamika said...

Happy birthday! I loved 29. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately your whole life seems to change at 29 and a 1/2. I wish you the best year ever!

Octopus Knits said...

Happy birthday, Nikki! (I'm sending you super happy vibes!)

AR said...

Don't be sad!!! Happy Birthday. Man, to be 29 again! :)

Adrienne said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a good one!

Harlem Purl said...

Happy Birthday. I wish you the best fibery wishes. It'll be my turn come December. Hey I just had an idea, how about we plan like a knitting cruise or something like that for next summer to kick off our 30th bday. I know a couple of knitter who may be interested. Waddya think?

Knitterbug said...

Happy Birthday! You know 29 is the last birthday you'll ever have. You just get to celebrate it over and over again every year!

Lily said...

Happy Birthday! Nothing to be sad about being 29. It's just a number.

Enigma said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you had a good one.

Sandra said...

Happy Belated Birthday.

3goodrats said...

Happy Birthday!

I'm turning 34 on Sunday, if it makes you feel any better :) But seriously, 30s are WAY better than 20s. I know it doesn't make sense, but there it is.

James said...

Happy birthday, dude! I hope you have a wonderful year!

WandaWoman said...

Happy, happy Birthday! Enjoy it!

Jersey said...

happy belated birthday! you're beautiful and talented and not many 29 year olds can say that.

Sonya said...

Happy Birthday feelings!!

dickie said...

happy birthday! =)
+ good feelings.

somebunnysloveDOTcom said...

Hi Sweetie! Happy Belated Birthday to you... Happy Belated Birthday to you... Happy Belated BIIIIRTH-day to YOOOOOUUU... Happy Belated Birthday to YOU!!
Bunny hugs from Rhode Island,

Cindy G said...

Happy birthday sweetie,even if I'm late. You are beautiful, talented and, believe it or not, young. Take it from an old lady of fifty-mumble-something.