Monday, May 26, 2008

Ran out of Excuses?

Well, I'm sure you all know by now that Magknits has vanished. I saw it all happen on Ravelry, what a train wreck. That means Excuses has no home for the moment. You can still get it, I've still decided to offer it for free, but for now it's only on Ravelry. If you aren't on Ravelry, you must be on a deserted island in a heroine-induced haze (and on that good stuff) with whatever licit moments you have occupied by your own troop of the world's most talented belly dancers and entertained by your own love slave. Which is to say, if you aren't on Ravelry, where have you been? And can I visit you and will you share? So run off to Ravelry and find the pattern Excuses and download it for free. I may end up putting it somewhere else, too, but right now you now you can get it there.

A quick remider:

Okay, I'll be back with a real post about current knitting projects, but this needed its own.


Clumsy Knitter said...

Thanks for posting the pattern--I think it's so cute!

Amethyst said...

I'm glad it's still on Rav, I want to knit that at some point.

Melissa Morgan-Oakes said...

Wow, I did not know. Huh. Wow. Just "poof"??

Adrienne said...

It's gorgeous!

Jersey said...

Missed you!

Goes by the name of Anna said...

Yay! Been wanting to make this one, so was hoping the pattern would reappear in some form!

Larjmarj said...

Yeah, the Magknits implosion was really something. Sheesh!

Lina40 said...

OMG - I was going to ask you this weekend if you knit that top -- it is definitely very chic!! Lovely to see ya at the Little Black Pearl!

off to join Ravelry... i'll probably have Linapurl or PurLina in case you see me commenting...

Lina40 (of fotki)